Шрифт Angle. Гарнитура содержит 1 файл и поддерживает 12 языков. Разработка Angle велась Omegaville.
“Angle” was built with FontStruct
Designer description:
Angle font from The Print Shop Companion.
This was a tricky one. Going pixel for pixel from C64 screen grabs would have made this thing huge - it could have been done but I didn't want to do a major project here. I ended up eyeballing the letters and doing it freehand, roughly 5x9 but a few characters are 6x9. This also let me work more with the angled pieces (no pun intended) in Fontstruct as I want to learn them better.
As you may have guessed, this is an unshadowed version of Pioneer. Print Shop's fonts were more often than not replicas of commercial fonts. I wasn't able to locate a solid Pioneer so this will do for now - plus it only has a descender on the Q. Only characters in the Print Shop font have been produced.