Шрифт Anke Calligraphic FG. Гарнитура содержит 1 файл и поддерживает 39 языков. Разработка Anke Calligraphic FG велась FontGrube AH.


Originally by Anke Arnold, www.anke-art.de, this handwriting font was amplified with international characters and reworked spacing as well as vertical adjustments by Fontgrube AH, adding 100 kern pairs to make it run more smoothly, so make sure you have kerning turned on in your word processor or DTP program.

The typeface tries to imitate casual handwriting with a calligraphic nib, without requiring support for OpenType features. It is aimed at everyday users but can also be used in a professional context free of charge.


by anke-art and Fontgrube


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Шрифт Anke Calligraphic FG