Шрифт Meiry. Гарнитура содержит 1 файл и поддерживает 12 языков. Разработка Meiry велась Meir Sadan.


Some people call me Meiry.
This is my first font ever. I took graphic design classes then, and I saw this wonderful little stencil looking all innocent, lying in some drawer with nothing really special to do. So I took it home.
At first, I started writing little notes in people's study notebooks in school using my little nice stencil as a way of making nice letters that came out looking so grungey-cool.

Then, I saw how everybody makes fonts and I wanted to make a font myself, too. So I thought and thought of an idea for a typeface - and suddenly, it stroke me like a lightning! I sat down and scribbled the entire basic font character set using my little limited stencil. I cleaned them all up a bit in Photoshop and brung into Fontographer.


Copyright (C) 1998 [email protected]


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Шрифт Meiry