Шрифт SlimFast AH. Гарнитура содержит 1 файл и поддерживает 39 языков. Разработка SlimFast AH велась FontGrube AH.


Slimfast AH is Fontgrubes first contribution to what is sometimes called "experimental typography". The characters are extremely distorted, slim on the left and fat on the right, such as in a process of fast slimming. It was not made for any serious purpose and is now capering through the net, wild, playful and untameable. If you succeed in persuading this creature to do any purposeful work for you, be it personal or commercial, go ahead. This font is wild and free. If you manage you can have it do what you want. But should you catch and display it in your online zoo of fonts, mind the rules for giving away its children in the license.


Fontgrube Media Design


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Шрифт SlimFast AH