Шрифт Trinigan FG. Гарнитура содержит 1 файл и поддерживает 39 языков. Разработка Trinigan FG велась FontGrube AH.


An Art Nouveau typeface well-known via advertising and the silver screen.
This font goes by quite a number of names: "Goodfellow", "PS Bluegum Forest", "Burton's Nightmare". P22 sells this face as "Victorian Swash" saying it was inspired by a historical face called "...'Columbian', which has also been known in recent years as 'Glorietta'..." (P22.com).

This "Glorietta" is in the "Solotype Catalogues", a collection of old typefaces by Dan X. Solo, published by Dover. (See his bio on myfonts.com.) Probably that printed sample was directly or indirectly the mother of all these typefaces.

Trinigan has an extended western and Turkish charset and 108 Kern pairs. Germandbls, Euro symbol and a few other characters were created new. First published in 2002. Revised and amplified in 2013 as version 1.10.


Fontgrube AH: www.fontgrube.de


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Шрифт Trinigan FG