Xilo Galdino Outline
Шрифт Xilo Galdino Outline. Гарнитура содержит 3 файла и поддерживает 30 языков. Можно использовать в не коммерческой деятельности. Разработка Xilo Galdino Outline велась Galdino Otten.
This font was conceived based on the northeast popular couture of Brazil. It can also interact with the Oxent Silibrina font, witch was also conceived by this purpose. I hope the artist that choses it not only be able to denote traces of this couture but also feel free to create new themes aproaching this style. Like in this exemple named:
Dreaming with (Dom) Quixote and (Ariano) Suassuna, 2007.
Typeface © (Galdino Otten). 2009. All Rights ReservedЛицензионные условия
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